• chevron_rightWhat are the payment options for paying my month HOA assessment?
    There are several ways to pay your monthly assessment:
    • Authorize Manor and Pacific Premier Bank to do an automatic monthly direct debit (ACH/EFT) from your bank account. This can be setup when you login to the Manor web portal or, you can call the Manor accounting department to ask them to do the setup on your behalf.
    • Online payment by credit card or e-Check. This can be setup when you login to the Manor web portal. You can schedule one-time payments or setup a recurring payment schedule. You can call the Manor accounting department to ask them to do the setup on your behalf. There is a $7.95 monthly transaction fee if you pay by credit card.
    • Pay by personal check sent by regular mail along with the payment stub from your monthly payment. The mailing address is on the payment stub.
    • Use your bank’s online bill pay service or a third-party bill pay service. Setup the HOA as a payee using your Manor account number and the remittance address:
    The Whalers’ Island Homeowners Association
    PO Box 7056
    San Francisco, CA 94120-7056
  • chevron_rightHow do you request a login ID for the Manor web portal?
    Start by accessing the Manor web portal login page. Click on the following link:
    or, click the Manor Login button at the top of any page in this website. This will open a new page in your browser. Click on the Create login line in this page. Open the PDF named Creating a login ID for your Manor account. Follow the instructions in this PDF to finish creating a login ID.
  • chevron_rightHow do you setup automatic payments using the Manor web portal?
    First you need to create a login ID for the Manor web portal. Login to the portal. You will see a line of function icons across the top of the home page.
    • Click on the ACH/EFT icon to begin the setup for automatic monthly debit via ACH electronic funds transfer or ...
    • Click on the Pay Now button in the upper left corner of the home page to begin the setup for credit card or e-Check payments.
    Open the PDF named Setting up automatic payments for your Manor HOA account. Follow the instructions in this PDF to finish the setup for either automatic monthly debit payments or credit card/e-Check payments.
  • chevron_rightHow can I receive my monthly Manor statement via e-mail?
    You can opt to receive your monthly state as a PDF attached to a monthly e-mail from the Manor opt-e-mail service. If you opt to receive your statement via e-mail instead of regular mail you will save the Association time and money. You may already receive certain types of notices from Manor via e-mail but you must complete an additional setup procedure to receive monthly statements by e-mail.
    Before you start the setup procedure, have your new Manor account number, street number and e-mail address available for data entry. Access the Manor opt-e-mail service at:
    then click on the Create Account text in the upper right corner. Enter your account number, street number, e-mail address, a password and full name in the boxes on the opened page. Check the box to accept terms & conditions and click the Create Account button.
    Switch to a window for your e-mail in basket where you should immediately see a confirmation e-mail message from Manor address <themanorassn@estatement.opt-e-mail.com>. View the confirmation message and click on the link in the message to create your account. Return to the Manor opt-e-mail window where you can now login. You should see an information box showing your Whalers’ Island street address, account number, e-mail address and a check box showing that you have opted-in to receive monthly statements via e-mail. The setup procedure is finished and you can log out.
    You will continue to receive monthly statements via e-mail unless you login and opt-out.
    Note: if you did this setup in the past for your old Manor account number you do not need to do anything. If you recently began receiving monthly statements by regular mail, this will continue for one to three months until Manor completes all conversion procedures from old account numbers to new account numbers. You should again begin receiving monthly statements via e-mail in September, 2019.
  • chevron_rightWhere are the boundary lines for my lot?
    You can locate lot boundary lines using the subdivision map for your street. Subdivision maps are public records maintained by the San Mateo County recorder’s office. The HOA website stores a set of the Whalers’ Island subdivision maps in a PDF linked to the website: Whalers’ Island Subdivision Maps.
    Open the map file and locate the map for your street then locate your lot on the map. Zoom in on the map and note the location of the survey monument marker closest to your lot. There is a picture of a survey monument marker on the first page in the map file. Note the distance from the top dead center of the monument marker to the front edge of the lots parallel to the line drawn through the center of all the markers on the street. This is the distance to your front lot boundary.
    The map shows a set of boundary lines for each lot. The map notes the length of each boundary line. The information on the map lets you determine the precise location of your lot boundaries and the size of the lot.
  • chevron_rightHow does a tenant renew an expired membership?
    All tenant memberships expire at the end of each year. You can still login after your membership expires but you will not be allowed to access member pages on the website until you complete the renewal process. You start the renewal process by immediately clicking the Your Profile link in the upper right corner of the home page after you login. Next, click on the Renew Your Membership link and then complete the renewal procedure by verifying and saving your member information. You will then be allowed to login and access all member pages.
  • chevron_rightHow can I request space in the boat park for storing a small boat?
    Send an e-mail message using the Contact Us>Boat Storage Request selection on the HOA website. Provide your contact information and a description for each boat that you plan to store. First, review the operating rules for the boat park that are available on the website. You will receive an e-mail noting the assigned rack space. The Boat Park Storage page on the website will be updated to record the assignment.
  • chevron_rightHow do I reserve the BBQ area?
    Reserve the BBQ area using the Members > Reservations page on the HOA website while you are logged in. The name on your login account will be used for the reservation. Select the date and the block of time you wish to reserve. If that date and time is already reserved, you can see the name of the member who has the reservation.
  • chevron_rightI lost my pool key. How do I get a replacement?
    Send a $50 check payable to Whalers’ Island HOA, c/o Manor Association, 1800 Gateway Drive, San Mateo,  CA 94404.  A replacement pool key will be delivered to your mailbox the same day the check arrives.  If you are a non-resident homeowner, indicate if you want the replacement key delivered to the renters or mailed to you. You can also call or e-mail Manor client services at 650-637-1616x1 or cs@manorinc.com for assistance.
  • chevron_rightI want to paint my home in different color - how do I do that?
    Start by reading the Home Improvements page on the HOA website. Write a request describing what you want to do, and address it to Whalers’ Island HOA.  Prepare, or have your painting company representative prepare six each 8½” x 11” color samples (aka “brush-outs”) of the main and trim colors you’ve selected with the paint company name, color name and color number on every color sample and call or email the HOA community manager at Manor.  The manager will make arrangements to pick up the color samples.  Three copies of your request and color samples will be delivered to the Architecture Committee, one will be placed in your file and two, if your request is approved by the board, will be delivered to the City of Foster Community Development Department along with the association approval letter.
  • chevron_rightI want to add a room over my garage and/or connect the garage to my home. What’s the procedure?
    Start by reading the Home Improvements page on the HOA website. Call the City of Foster City and arrange a meeting for you and/or your architect or engineer with one of the Planners.  Alternatively, you can call or e-mail the HOA community manager at the Manor Association or, if you have hired an architect or engineer to draw the plans, have him/her call or e-mail for a description of the approval process.